Transition To Residency Symposium 2024

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 from 2-5 pm ET

This is the sixth iteration of a well-received symposium that started in late 2017.  The Symposium is Free to all attendees and will be an interactive half-day with a plenary speaker, breakout sessions, poster/oral presentations, and networking opportunities. 

Please consider attending if you: 

  • Currently have a transition to residency/capstone/bootcamp program or are developing one 

  • Are interested in building collaborative relationships with other programs 

  • Would like to learn more about innovative approaches to teaching learners during the transition to residency timeframe 

  • Would like to present your curricular work to others in the form of a virtual poster session 

2024 Plenary Talk:

FeedBACK for Improving Resident Readiness for GME: State of a National Educational Program

Dr. Lisa Howley (AAMC)

During this session, the novel standardized Resident Readiness Survey (RRS) program will be presented and its implications for TTR Courses will be explored. The RRS enables program directors (PDs) to provide feedback to US MD- and DO-degree granting medical schools about their graduates’ preparedness for graduate medical education (GME) to inform both school-level and national curriculum quality improvement efforts. Now in its fourth year, the RRS was developed by educators from UME and GME and pilot-tested nationally for two years. This growing national RRS dataset includes individual-level data for all eligible PGY-1 residents and is being used to answer an array of questions about resident readiness for GME.

Dr. Lisa Howley is an Educational Psychologist and Senior Director for Transforming Medical Education at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). She joined the AAMC in 2016 and currently leads a diverse portfolio and multiple teams to advance the continuum of medical education, support experiential learning, and curricular transformation across its member institutions and their clinical partners. The Resident Readiness Survey Program, a standard process for sharing quality improvement feedback between GME and UME programs, is one of several educational innovations led by Dr. Howley designed to improve the transition to residency. Prior to her national role, she spent eight years as the Associate DIO and AVP of Medical Education and Physician Development for Carolinas HealthCare System, one of the largest independent academic medical centers in the U.S. In that role, she led several medical education initiatives across the professional development continuum, including graduate medical education accreditation, simulation-based education, as well as physician leadership development for the large integrated healthcare system. She holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. She began her career as a member of the medical education faculty at the University of Virginia School of Medicine where she designed and led performance-based assessments and simulation-enhanced curricula. She received her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Central Florida, and both her M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Virginia.

 Call for Abstracts

CLOSED - DEADLINE: July 25, 2024 at 11PM ET

The Transition to Residency (TTR) Symposium is a forum for educators from around the country to share their innovative approaches or research related to TTR courses.  Follow this link (Symposium Abstract Submission) to submit an abstract. Two of the abstracts will be selected for a live oral presentation during the symposium.  The other invited presenters will be asked to submit a PowerPoint of their poster paired with a 5-minute oral presentation to be included with our virtual posters. See last year’s posters here.

Abstracts are limited to 3000 characters with spaces (~500 words) and must include the following components:

  • Objective: purpose of innovation, or research question

  • Background: importance/relevance of innovation or research

  • Design and methods

  • Outcomes or results

  • Conclusions including strengths, limitations, and transferability

Required but not included in word count: Title, Author(s) and affiliated institutions, References (Limit 5)

Optional but not included in word count: Table and/or figures (Limit 2)

Online abstract submissions are due by 11 PM EST on THURSDAY JULY 25th, 2024.  Abstracts will be reviewed by at least 2 peers. Notification of the review outcome will be sent to the contact author by Monday, August 12th, 2024. The narrated poster will need to be submitted by Thursday, September 5th, 2024.  The oral presentations will occur on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, during the symposium.

Please direct questions to Homan Wai, MD ( with an email titled “TTR Symposium Abstract Question.”

Call for Coordinator of the Year award

CLOSED - DEADLINE: July 25, 2024 at 11PM ET

The TTR Coordinator of the Year award seeks to recognize the efforts of the amazing Transitions to Residency (TTR) course coordinators who make invaluable contributions to the courses they run. Course coordinators have a long tradition of unrecognized leadership in medical school courses and we are seeking to identify and recognize course coordinators who have made significant contributions to their Transitions to Residency Course through innovative efforts or novel approaches.

 Achievement Measures:

  • To receive recognition through this award the coordinator must have helped design and implement innovations that made a significant impact on the health and well-being of the student community of the course

  • The nominees should be currently or recently active in their course

  • Their efforts should have had a demonstrable impact on the course and student experience

Nomination Process:
Nominations may come from co-coordinators, staff managers, course directors, deans, medical students, or residents. A nomination should include a letter (no more than 1 page) summarizing the individual’s contribution and a copy of the nominee’s resume/CV. Emphasis should be placed on specific course innovations and their impact in improving the transitions to residency course. 

Please direct questions to the award lead Anthony Gaynier, EdD