Asynchronous Residency Bootcamp: Minimizing Schedule Disruption/Faculty Burden, Maximizing Student Attention
Elizabeth Nugent, MD, Carlos Carreno, MD, Carol Tran-Cao, MD, Laura Chahin, MD, Naahanna Akahara, BSA
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston
Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Online Challenge Cases in a Transition to Residency Course
Dawn DeWitt MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London; Charles Anderson MD; Erin Griffin PhD; Ariane Smith (Educational Designer)
Washington State University
Internal Medicine Interns' Perceived Preparation for Residency and Perceived Value of Non-surgical TTR Courses
Anthony Gaynier, Ed.D.
Wayne State School of Medicine
Novel Educational Approach to OBGYN Transition to Residency Curriculum
Justin DeAngelis, MD, Mackenzie Delzer, MD, Ashley Lucero, BS
The University of Vermont
Perceptions and Outcomes of Near-Peer Teaching by Medical Education Track Residents in a Transitions to Residency Course
Sruti Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, MD1; Luke Morrey, MD1; Rachel Genova, MD, PhD2; Reed Johnson, MD1; Alex Paschke, MD1; Mazen Aiche, MD1; Lisa Wehr-Maves, MD3; Matthew Soltys, MD1,4; Jennifer Strouse, MD1
1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 2University of Michigan, 3Medical College of Wisconsin, 4Iowa City VA Health Care System
Self-Reported Competence of Medical Students in Performing Procedures Within a Specialty Specific EPA Track (Copy) (Copy)
Jennifer Caputo-Seidler, MD and Shanu Gupta, MD
University of South Florida